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I am writing this from the perspective of a scientist: 


My colleagues have doubted Boyan Slat's invention ever since he explained the concept to us. And I am I on the same page as them. I don't think his invention will work, and I disagree with the fact that the ocean can clean itself up in just 5 years. We have already proved that it would be near impossible as it would take 75000 years. But my opinions have somehow been proven wrong. They launched System 0001 and so far, after a week, it has not fallen apart and is actually doing something. So I am trying to find the flaw in our thinking and how they succeeded. Though to be a fair sport, I must send my congratulations to Boyan Slat and his team. They have accomplished something thought never to be reachable. I am actually looking forward to seeing what other systems they will be able to make. I believe they are talking about a boat which would be positioned in a river as plastic often comes from rivers into the ocean. Though I am quite impressed that they were able to change my opinion and many scientists in the world about his system, and how it can succeed. 


I am writing this from the perspective of Boyan Slat: 


It worked! After all those years of planning, we have finally launched System 0001 and are working on the Interceptor to be positioned in rivers to stop pollution from flooding into the ocean. I finally managed to prove those doubtful scientists wrong. All that hard work paid off. I will tell the story to myself once again for reflection of these situations and how it all evolved from me scuba diving in Greece, where I saw more plastic than fish. After doing some brief research, I leapt into action. I devoted my high school project to learning about this, and finding solutions to these pieces of man-made junk that interfered with the then-flourishing ecosystems. 


I am writing this from the perspective of myself: 


This was one of the main aspects that made Boyan Slat notable to me. He may not be a Thomas Edison who is famous and name triggers something in everyone's head, but he took action, no offence to Greta Thunberg, but she never took direct action. I believe that she still is notable in her own ways as not all 16 year old's have the courage to stand up against the parliament of a country and give speeches to anyone who would listen. Still, she only influences other people's actions, this is the first step of solving a problem, but Boyan Slat did this as well, presenting a Ted talk and explaining the concepts of his crew's inventions. But he took this a step further and took direct action to clean up what has already been made. This step remains untouched for many other famous people. So I think he is amazing considering that he was only 16 when he started The Ocean Cleanup. I am amazed at how people have the initiative to do these wonderful things. I am looking forward to what he is going to accomplish in the future years. 


I am writing this from the perspective of an average onlooker: 


If I am going to be completely honest, I never heard about the name Boyan Slat until yesterday when my friend told me about him. I did some research and I realized just how underrated he was. I listened to his Ted talk, his speeches and other people's perspectives. I even read some articles posted on his website. I was in awe at his perseverance and he has motivated me to do something to stop plastic from reaching the ocean. I am not in any way skilled in this field, but I know the basics, pollution = environment deteriorate = no place to live in. This cause and effect chain is one which many environmentalists are trying to make popular. This is why I think Boyan Slat is a great inventor and environmentalist.  

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